Online Workout Classes

Online Workout Classes can foster a sense of community and support among participants.

Many individuals who practice yoga, pilates, adopt a more holistic approach to their lifestyle, including healthy eating habits and a focus on mental well-being.

Let's delve deeper into various aspects of fitness, including components of fitness, factors influencing fitness, and considerations for creating a well-rounded fitness routine.

Include strength training activities for all major muscle groups at least twice a week.

Incorporate stretching or flexibility exercises regularly, aiming for a full-body routine.

Allow time for adequate rest and recovery between intense workouts to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injuries.

Mix different types of exercise to target various fitness components and keep workouts interesting.

Set achievable and specific fitness goals to stay motivated and track progress.

Choose activities that align with personal interests to enhance enjoyment and adherence to a fitness routine.


  • 64 classes each year
  • No equipment needed


  • 128 classes each year
  • mat and reformer needed


  • 152 classes each year
  • mat, reformer, cadillac and chair

Online Pilates Classes


Tablet? Phone? Desktop? No problem. You can easily login and take class on any device at a time that fits your schedule.


Pilates Exercise Classes

Pilates was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century.

It focuses on building core strength, improving flexibility, and promoting overall body awareness. The method emphasizes controlled movements and precision.

Mat Pilates - A series of exercises performed on the mat, typically using body weight as resistance. Mat classes focus on core strength, flexibility, and overall body conditioning.

Reformer Pilates - Involves the use of a specialized machine reformer with springs and straps that provide resistance. Reformer classes offer a wider range of exercises and equipment variations.

Cadillac/Trapeze Table Pilates-Uses a large piece of equipment with various attachments to target different muscle groups. It offers a comprehensive and full-body workout.

Pilates classes emphasize core strength, stability, flexibility, and controlled movements. The method aims to improve posture, alignment, and overall body awareness.

Improved core strength, flexibility, and muscle tone.
Enhanced posture and body awareness.

Injury prevention and rehabilitation, especially for back issues.
Increased overall functional fitness.

Pilates classes are adaptable to different fitness levels. Mat Pilates is often accessible for beginners, while reformer and equipment-based classes can be tailored to challenge advanced practitioners.

Mat Pilates requires only a mat, while equipment-based classes use specialized machines like reformers, cadillacs, and chairs. Props like Pilates rings, balls, and resistance bands may also be incorporated.

Online Yoga Classes

Yoga and Pilates Online Classes

Yoga and Pilates classes offer unique approaches to physical fitness and well-being.

Yoga originated in ancient India and has a holistic approach that combines physical postures asanas, breath control pranayama, meditation, and ethical principles.

It aims to achieve a harmonious union of the mind, body, and spirit.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga - A general term that includes most yoga styles, Hatha classes are typically slower-paced and focus on basic postures, making them suitable for beginners.

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Flow Yoga - Involves a dynamic sequence of poses synchronized with breath, creating a flowing and continuous movement.

Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar Yoga - Emphasizes precision and alignment in poses, often using props like blocks and straps.

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga - A physically demanding practice that follows a specific sequence of postures and is characterized by dynamic movements and controlled breathing.

Bikram Hot Yoga

Bikram Hot Yoga - A series of 26 postures and two breathing exercises practiced in a heated room (typically 95-108°F or 35-42°C).

Online Yoga Classes

Yoga classes often emphasize flexibility, balance, strength, and mental focus.

They may include mindfulness practices, meditation, and breathwork to promote overall well-being.

Improved flexibility, strength, posture, and balance.
Stress reduction, relaxation, and improved mental clarity.
Enhanced mind-body awareness and a sense of inner peace.

Yoga classes are usually designed to accommodate practitioners of all levels, from beginners to advanced. Instructors often provide modifications for different skill levels.

Yoga generally requires minimal equipment. A yoga mat is essential, and props like blocks, straps, and blankets may be used to support various poses.

Yoga and Pilates Classes

The choice between yoga and Pilates often depends on personal preferences and fitness goals.

Yoga offers a more holistic approach, incorporating mindfulness and a spiritual element, while Pilates is known for its focus on core strength and precise movements.

Some individuals may enjoy both practices, as they complement each other well and provide a balanced approach to overall fitness and well-being.

Both yoga and Pilates can be adapted to meet the needs of individuals with various fitness levels and goals.

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Yoga and Pilates Accessories


Remember that the key to long-term fitness success is finding activities that you enjoy and that fit into your lifestyle. A well-rounded fitness routine should be sustainable, enjoyable, and adapted to individual needs and goals.

Yoga and Pilates can be practiced with minimal equipment, making it accessible for people to do at home or in various settings.

Whether young or old, Yoga and Pilates can be adapted for individuals of all ages.